General Information
Since the day it was founded, Foundation for the Development of ITU has provided many supports to academics of Istanbul Technical University for academic research and encouragement. The support given by our foundation to academics are programs aimed at improving the international relations of our university, increasing the global recognition of our faculty members and expanding their scientific networks, as well as the purpose of improving the personal and collective work of academic staff.
As of 2019, the foundation management has completed its studies to improve the research opportunities of academicians abroad with new programs. Abroad Scientific Research Supports that we offer to our academics;
Abroad Scientific Research Supports
It covers minimum 3 months, maximum 10 months travel and monthly expenditure support given to faculty members who will go abroad to conduct long-term scientific research. With this project, it aims to bring the Foundation resources to life in order to give permanent support to science, research and ultimately to ITU education by enabling academics to conduct scientific research at ITU. Our foundation has launched a new program after the support it has given to the "ITU International Research Cooperation Projects" (UAIP) program in the past years. You can get information about the application conditions, application process and application documents to the "Abroad Scientific Research Program" carried out by our foundation.
Application Conditions
a) To work at ITU in full-time status,
b) Having at least a “Doctorate” degree,
c) To have received a document stating that it is accepted as a “guest researcher” or similar status from an internationally recognized or higher education institution.
d) To document that the foreign language to be used in the study is known to carry out the research and that 80 points have been obtained from the English language exam in the last five years.
Documents Required For Application
- Petition
- Subject of Application: In this section, information, documentation, brochures, correspondence, etc. related to the subject should be added.
- Resume
- Additional Documents (depending on the subject of the application, the documentation you want in your file should be included here)
The applications made are evaluated and concluded by the Board of Directors of our Foundation, depending on their subjects and the requested support,
and the results are notified in writing to ITU academic staff who apply.
In case support is given, in order for the processes to continue
o Letter from ITU Faculty / Department Management or Institute Directorates
o ITU Assignment Letter (if necessary depending on the subject)